Food & Beverage

Delicious Food and Premium Catering Services for your Wedding

Food & Beverage Services For Weddings

All of us have heard that The way to a man’s heart is through food, and when it is about wedding who does not want to win hearts! Food & Beverage is a vitally important part of any wedding and needs to be paid the utmost care. With different palatable international cuisines making entry into the Indian land of already a vast variety of foods, spices and ways of cooking them, there is absolutely so much to choose from that you may get tired but the list won’t end. Moreover, the menu you choose reflects a lot about your personal style, your experience about what goes best with what, the special attention you put in hand-picking crockery and tableware according to the theme of the function, and it is something that the guests does not forget for a long long time.

Our idea is to give your family and friends a wedding menu whose lip-smacking taste stays for them for quite long and specially hand-picked beverages that stirs every nook and corner of their body.

Therefore, to help you choose everything with a slice of perfection in it, Team BTS is here to get you onboard with some most delectable food and the beforemath to it. Beforemath because besides the taste of the food, there are several other considerations that should be kept in mind to make your delicious food all the way more worthwhile and satisfying.

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Process Of Finalizing Food And Beverage Service For Weddings

Necessary Permissions From The Venue:

Before moving forward on anything else, the first priority should be having a word with the venue management about their policies on food and catering. While almost all mid-range to above average hotels and resorts allows food & catering from outside, several 5-star properties rely on their in-house catering and deny permissions on allowing food & alcohol from outside. This information should be available with us beforehand so that there is no chaos afterwards. Also, at the end of the day what is important is that the guests should relish and savour every bite of the food.

Cost Effectiveness

Food Cost accounts for one of the major costs after accommodation and décor & design charges. Devising a plan that is cost saving can help us not burn a major hole in our pocket and we could use the saved amount in making our food menu richer. Now by quoting that we need to cut down cost doesn’t mean that we have to compromise on our food choices; it can be done in certain other ways like booking the agencies before time, supervising the food supplies and eliminating unnecessary wastage of food items, negotiating with different caterers etc.

Menu Selection And Shortlisting Of Catering Vendors:

Once it has been decided that we have to hire a caterer from outside, Team BTS work upon shortlisting the best caterers among the available options. These caterers either have their own cooks or have tie ups from famous wedding cooks. We can also ask caterers for own preference cooks if we already have somebody on our list. Apart from this, menu selections also make to something that needs all our attention. Choosing a varied non-repetitive menu with a touch of local and seasonal delicacies that differentiates as per the theme of the function, given what time of the day it is, is a big masterstroke. Also, if the venue provides in-house food & alcohol, there are various food tasting sessions conducted by the hotel for us to finalise on the taste and menu of the food items we want to get served.

Decisions On Service Level & Time Lapse Between Meals:

A proper coordination is a must when it comes to on ground catering services when the event goes live. It should be pre decided that how many catering team members will be available on the ground and what are their duties. Also, how and by whom will the bride-groom be attended should also be pre-fixed. One major pain area is the time lapse between when the first meal is taken off the counters and when the second one arrives. The reason why it is called the pain area is the limited time available between 2 meals since the functions are back-to-back. Several times it is seen that the next function is finished and the items from the previous menu are still on counters. One way to avoid this is to keep different locations for consecutive functions so that the caterer has arranging the next menu as his first priority.

On Day Menu Inspection And Refill Checks:

The most attentive one has to be is on the time of the function itself. Once the food is cooked, our food team takes a food tasting session thus ensuring that everything is as per the choice and preference. After this is done, there are checks done by the team at regular intervals that the counters are not left empty at any point of time and the item are served in a continuous flow and in the way they are meant to be presented. Any issue and guest complaint are handled then and there itself by our team without letting the host get into the matter.

Hand Holding Of F&B And Additional Quality Checks:

Several additional quality assurance steps are taken by the event management team such as quality of the food materials received, recce of the area where the food is cooked, ensuring that the storage is safe and outside the reach of insects and mammals, personal hygiene and sanitisation of food handlers, seeing to the setup of crockery, placement of food counters, usage of gloves, serving tongs and forks by server, clean uniform, clean vessels, freshly served food etc.

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